Wander Beyond Boundaries

Divided across three phases over a year, WBB in addition to the above has been deeply involved in research, field work, development of content that’s a resultant of the on ground activation and has also been successfully conducting the following:
  • Completed field work to map out offroad trails across the state
  • Finished data gathering for guidebook, app, website
  • Finalized brand logo – Nagaland offroad
  • Created content outline – for guidebook, app, website
  • Setting up of Social Media Identity of Nagaland Offroad across platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter
  • Actively curated and is creating content on a daily basis for the platforms since the date of commencement of project
  • Mainstream media has been brought on board to propagate the activation through articles, blogs and video content.

As an extension of the project WBB is going to conduct 2 monsoon off road expeditions on uniquely curated routes to propagate Nagaland Off-Road using WBB fleet of vehicles. The first of which is the upcoming Nagaland Off-Road Expedition in association with Nagaland Off-Road and Nagaland Tourism.


In order to achieve this massive first of its kind effort, WBB has on board reputed writers Anurag Mallick & Priya Ganapathy (Red Scarab Media) who man the content and brand building front for Nagaland Off-Road.


WBB is extremely happy to realise Mr. Kitto Zhimomi’s (Commissioner & Secretary Tourism, Government of Nagaland ) vision for the state and aid his efforts to make Off-Road Tourism a reality for Nagaland. We truly believe the state is blessed with terrain to emerge as the off-road Capitol of the country,.

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